Helmut Newton Inspired

Helmut Newton was a fashion photographer born in 1920 and died in 2004. He was one of the most controversial photographers of his time and highly influential. For a history assignment I had to shoot in the style of a deceased photographer that worked in the field we aspire to one day be a part of. I chose Newton. Here are some of his most well known images as well as my take following.
Thanks Taryn for modeling this and helping me make these a reality. She is so talented.


His images:

My images: 


Shooting for fun has been next to impossible lately because of traveling and being so busy with school and other things. I was told by someone important that I need more simple studio test shots in my portfolio. It kind of brought me back because that is something I did in the beginning but quickly decided it wasn't for me and it was way too boring and felt so limiting. SO I don't really know what to think of these but if I need a taste of these kind of shots to open some doors, here's some to choose from. 

Happy New Year!!!

Happy new year to everyone who takes the time to check out my stuff! Wish you all the best in 2013, looks like it's going to be a good one!! Just want to say thanks to everyone for the support and encouragement in 2012, it motivates me to make more art, and makes me push! So THANK YOU! I love sharing my work with you guys, much more to come in this year!! xox 

Here's some very imperfect images from so long ago with Kayley, for some reason I am always drawn back to this shoot... I love the mood of them. So blurry and dark. enjoy !